Adrenal Support & Stress
Playing, laughing and time with community are essential ingredients for reducing stress.
The way we support our daily circadian rhythms will greatly impact our adrenal function for better or worse. Our adrenals, which sit right above our kidneys, are a powerhouse and can have a domino effect on how well other hormones will perform. How we start our day and end our days and the way we live in between will determine how well our adrenals will function for our bodies. We know that stress plays a huge role in our hormones. What you may not know is that our bodies process stress all the same. Whether it is actual physical stress, emotional stress or even imagined stress! Yes, the “what if” scenarios that we play in our head are actually stressors to our bodies that cause the rise of cortisol. Our bodies go into fight or flight for acute and chronic stressors, so we want to be mindful not to stay in a constant state of fight or flight so we do not go into adrenal dysfunction. Our bodies' natural circadian rhythms in a healthy state will have a rise in cortisol within the first 30 min of waking and as the day goes on should have a slow decline to prepare our bodies for rest at the end of the day. That is why light and dark are so important for our bodies to follow a natural rhythm. Seeing daylight when we first wake up and limiting light exposure and blue light at night.
When experiencing stress one thing we have to remember is that everyone's stress will look different. What is stressful for one person may not bring stress to another. There are a few things that we can implement when we experience stress during our days. First is to “take a pause”- literally take a moment and breathe. Maybe it's a walk around the block, a moment of gratitude or breathework. Second, how can we “reframe” our stress? How we focus and talk about the stress will determine a lot as well. Seeing the good in the hard. I was reminded of this today when doing a daily devotion with my son, from Jesus Calling. Philippians 4:6 says “Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” It's a mindshift! Focus on what you can control and give Him the worries we can't control or the imagined stressors or fears that get brought into our minds. Another way to combat stress is giving yourself the permission to say no without having to explain yourself. Know your boundaries and what things will deplete and recharge you. Lastly, playing, laughing and engaging in community are key in dealing with stress because it is hard to be stressed when engaging in these things. Healing happens with joy! We had a dear friend who used to say “Today is an opportunity for joy!”-Ken Shultz Find those moments of joy and know it's ok to slow down and ask for help.
A few simple ways to help adrenal support:
10 min of light exposure outside first thing in the morning and dim lights and blue light glasses at night to wind down
Eating regular meals with high quality protein, good fats, unrefined carbohydrates and fiber
Taking a pause (prayer, meditation, gratitude journal)
Reframing your stress
Playing, laughing and engaging in community
B vitamins, omega 3’s, Vitamin C and antioxidants
Find your daily rhythm (waking, nourishment, movement, community, hydration, gratitude and rest)
Source: IIN hormone course