Morning Rhythm
Morning routines are so important because it is how we start the day. I believe that what we choose to put first in our days can set the tone for the rest of the day. Our attitudes, stress levels, how we are present with others, nutrition, etc. can all be affected on how we start our days.
For the longest time, I started my weekday mornings in a sprint! I would sleep in until the last minute, wake up, immediately make lunches for the kids, unload the dishwasher, wake kids, make their breakfast, change fast and grab a quick cup of coffee and out the door we would go to the bus/carpool usually in a hurry!
Everyone’s rhythms will look different. You need to find what works best for your schedule and find a routine that gets you excited, one you look forward to waking up for! When we make habits that turn into nourishing rhythms it does not feel like a chore or something we dread. It becomes a way of life that brings joy.
I was challenged this year to change my morning routine because what I was doing was leaving me exhausted at the beginning of the day and my adrenals depleted! I decided to give it a try and start very small. I chose to make the kids lunch the night before and would set my alarm for 6:00 am. I wake up, let the dogs out and get a warm cup of lemon water. By 6:10 I sit with my warm lemon water, light an essential oils candle. I give myself 15-20 min to be still, breathe, pray and read scripture. (One app I love using that a friend recommended to me is the Lectio 365 app.)
Afterwards, at 6:30 I wake-up the kids for them to get ready and have breakfast (no unloading the dishwasher...that can wait!). I still love having my coffee as I take them to the bus/carpool, but mornings have run more smoothly, and I have noticed myself more calm and even craving my new morning rhythm when Mondays start. There is something about the quiet still mornings that make me excited for what the day has ahead!
What rhythms can you incorporate to your mornings that will leave you feeling refreshed and full for the day ahead?